We will contact you directly to your email in a few hours.
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We’ll reply to your email in few hours.
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We’ll send a custom offer directly to your email in a few hours.
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How to use Getcovers
1. Choose your package
2. After choosing a package, you’ll be redirected to our client portal. Add extra
services to your order and complete checkout (we offer 100% money back guarantee)
3. Click on “Start the order” in your client dashboard. Fill in a book cover
design brief and our managers will contact you to confirm the order.
Good to see you
How can I assist you today?
We are constantly looking for inspired and creative
people to join our band. Interested in joining our team?
We take care of each other, have fun together, and work efficiently in order to bring the best services.
We strive to build meaningful relationships with our colleagues and clients. With a common purpose and a shared interest, we aim to provide the best book cover design for authors all around the globe. If you feel the same way about your work, we’d love you to be part of our creative team.